Hi neighbors,
This week, I joined four aldermanic colleagues at a Northside small business forum hosted by several local chambers of commerce. I appreciated the opportunity to discuss my office’s legislative priorities around small business supports, and to hear from business owners about how City government can support them by improving its permitting and licensing processes, streamlining certain zoning requirements, reducing homelessness, and enhancing collaboration with our Planning and Transportation departments.
On Tuesday, I chaired an Ethics and Government Oversight Committee hearing during which we reviewed the Office of Inspector General’s most recent quarterly report. This included updates on investigations into Covid-19 loan fraud, ethics violations involving the City’s Public Building Commission, and the Inspector General’s annual audit plan.
We also reviewed the Inspector General’s recent report on the City’s non-compliance with separation requirements involving hundreds of water mains and sewer lines. When water mains are placed too close to sewer lines and the water main becomes compromised, public health emergencies can arise that render unsuitable drinking, toothbrushing, and cooking.
I also attended a community policing (or “CAPS”) meeting for the area in our community bounded by Clark, the Chicago River, Irving Park, and Lawrence. I appreciated hearing about CPD’s ongoing efforts to combat robberies, burglaries, and thefts – all of which are down compared to the first three months of last year.
A big thank you to the neighbors who braved the rain to join me for Ward Night on Wednesday! Whether it’s new restaurants coming to our community, opportunities for improving the CTA, or infrastructure needs, the conversations are always wide-ranging and illuminating.
Yesterday, I had the privilege of joining dozens of government and nonprofit leaders across the country to discuss efforts to combat extremism across City government. Like many other US cities and towns, Chicago has struggled to prevent City employees from participating in extremist organizations and to hold them accountable when they do. In recent months, I’ve introduced legislation relating to this critical issue and hope to pass it later this Spring.
I hope you all have an enjoyable weekend. If you’re looking for something to do, consider swinging by the Ravenswood Community Farmers Market tomorrow (Saturday), as well as a Send Queer Joy letter writing party at ENJOY in celebration of the business’s 20th anniversary.
Yours in service,
Alderman Matt Martin
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LV2 Permit Extended Hours
LV2 Cubs Permits are now available. Most eligible residents will receive their permit in the mail. If not, you can pick up permits for free at our office. Please note that enforcement will begin on Friday, April 4th.
To better assist you, we're offering evening office hours from 5 PM to 7 PM on Thursday, March 27th and Thursday, April 3rd.
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Apply: Free Bounce House for Block Parties
Did you know that the city offers free bounce houses for many summer block parties? The application opens on Tuesday, April 15th. Bounce houses are available first come, first serve, so be sure to apply early for your preferred block party date.
Don't currently have a block party, but are interested having in one? You can fill out our easy online application!
| | 47th Ward March Madness Bracket Challenge Standings 🏀 | |
- Picks 1
- sanjuanverran's picks
- Zashimer's picks
- matthewmartin1 (Alderman's bracket)
- Back-to-Back Champs
- Sophie's Picks 1
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Lycee Francais de Chicago Presents Mary Poppins
Saturday, March 29th
Lycee Francais de Chicago is putting on the musical Mary Poppins at the main stage of the Athenaeum theater. The student performers would love for neighbors to come out and support them! There will be two performances next Saturday, March 29th at 3 PM and 7 PM.
Learn more
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Paint 'N Sip at Awakenings
Saturday, March 29th
Join Awakenings for their first Paint 'N Sip fundraiser! Wine and supplies are provided in the price of the ticket. Proceeds provide free, trauma informed healing arts workshops for survivors of sexual assault. Art has the power to heal!
Learn more
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Confirm Measles Vaccination Status
The Chicago Department of Public Health urges all Chicagoans to check their measles vaccination status. More than 300 cases of measles have been confirmed across 15 jurisdictions in the United States, including two deaths, the first US measles death in over a decade.
Currently, there are no confirmed measles cases in Chicago or Illinois. Nonetheless, measles is highly contagious and preventable. Illinois residents can confirm vaccination status online.
Check vaccination status
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Western Brown Line Area Construction
As part of the Lincoln Square Master Plan, the Farmer's Market parking lot (next to Lincoln Square Athletic Club) will be closed from April 1st until the end of July to undergo renovations to better facilitate events and festivals. Conveniently, public parking is now open on the second floor of the Canvas at Leland (4715 N Western).
Additionally, the Divvy station near the Western Brown line will be temporarily relocated to Eastwood west of Western.
Learn more
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Notice of Controlled Burn
Sunday, March 23rd
Montrose Metra Community Gardens has a controlled burn scheduled for Sunday, March 23rd from 10 AM to 1 PM for the 4500 block of Ravenswood. Work is weather dependent and may be postponed.
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Horner Park Jazz Band Seeking Trombone and Trumpet Players
The Horner Park Jazz Band is looking for Trombone and Trumpet players. The 18 piece jazz orchestra features classics from the big band era as well as contemporary jazz. They rehearse every Monday night from 7 PM to 9 PM at the Horner Park Fieldhouse. Join this friendly, community band to have a lot of fun!
Learn more
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Ravenswood Ave Clean Up
Saturday, April 5th
Join Alderman Martin for coffee and clean up on Ravenswood Ave! We'll be starting with a coffee hour at Spoken Cafe at 9 AM before heading out to pick up litter. All supplies will be provided thanks to Cleanup Club Chicago!
Learn more
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Pollinator Seed Give Away
Saturday, March 29th
Join the Greater Rockwell Neighbors for a pollinator give away at Gross Park! They will also have gardening resources and local plant experts ready to answer any of your questions. Seeds that will be given away include rose milkweed, smooth blue aster, wild bergamot, little bluestem, and more!
Learn more
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Discussion on Climate Refugees
Thursday, March 27th
Join the Delta Institute for a panel discussion on climate refugees. According to the United Nations, approximately 122 million people live forcibly displaced from their homes in 2024. Researchers estimate this number might grow to 1.2 billion by 2050 as a result to climate change impacts. What role will the Midwest play in climate migration patterns, and what can we do today about it?
If you're interested in organizing events like this, you can also apply for the Delta Institute's Emerging Leaders.
Learn more
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Del Sur Bakery Opening Soon
4639 N Damen Ave
The much anticipated Del Sur Bakery will open next week on March 29th. Dul Sur's delicious pastries merge Filipino flavors with Midwestern comfort food.
Previously, they operated as a popular pop up shop in Lincoln Square, and are now excited to open their brick and mortar shop on Damen Ave.
Read more from Block Club
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March Madness Specials and Events
Celebrate March Madness at one of our terrific local businesses! Here are a few events and specials happening locally:
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- Book Keeping 101 Basics for Business Owners, March 26th, Learn more
- Small Business Capital and Infrastructure Grant, Learn more
- Cook County Sheriff's Office Hiring, Learn more
- Illinois Secretary of State Hiring Summer Jobs, Learn more
- Illinois Department of Transportation Hiring, Learn more
- Job Fair at Morton College, April 16th, Learn more
- Chicago Park District Lifeguard Explorers, Learn more
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Safety Training for Houses of Worship
Thursday, April 10th
The 19th Police District will lead a safety training for houses of worship. It is designed to equip and prepare volunteers of churches, synagogues, and mosques in helping keep their worship facilities safe during services.
This training will benefit ushers, hospitality volunteers, facility team members, and security personnel. The safety training is free and open to all.
Learn more
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Upcoming Public Safety Meetings
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Resurfacing: Western Ave
Concrete work on Western continues – and will soon be complete! Crews have installed concrete bus pads and are currently completing new and improved pedestrian refuge islands and medians. Throughout next week, they will build three raised crosswalks across Eastwood (east side of Western), Warner (west side), and Cornelia (east side). During that work, which will last no more than one week, access to Western from those impacted blocks will be closed off. Drivers will have to use adjacent blocks (Wilson, Cuyler, and Roscoe, respectively).
Crews hope to finish all of the concrete work on Western before the end of April. They will then install red stamped crosswalks throughout the month of May – and they will finally be done with the work!
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New Speed Camera at Chase Park
As part of an effort to improve traffic safety on Ashland, CDOT is installing two needed speed cameras in our ward. The first camera will be placed on Ashland outside Chase Park (south of Lawrence Ave), and the second outside Lake View High School (north of Irving Park Rd). These cameras, which will start issuing warnings on April 1st, will enforce Park and School speed limits.
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Clark Street Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety
In 2023, the Department of Planning and Development completed the Clark Street Crossroads, seeking to better define the identity of a portion of Clark St, as well as providing recommendations to improve the built environment and streetscape along it. One of the study's primary recommendations, based on feedback from hundreds of neighbors, was for improving safety for all users of the road, including pedestrians and cyclists.
Based on this study and a lot of subsequent technical analysis, the Department of Transportation is proposing to install pedestrian and cyclist safety improvements, including a protected bike lane, running from Winnemac to Montrose.
CDOT is working with the 46th and 47th Wards to gather outreach from businesses, chambers of commerce, neighborhood associations, and neighbors to inform CDOT's design work. You can view CDOT's proposal on their website and provide feedback to CompleteStreets@cityofchicago.org.
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This Weekend
Cornelia Arts Building Open Studios, March 21st-22nd, Learn more
Neighborhood Boys and Girls Club Shamrock Shuffle, March 23rd, Learn more
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This Week
Gloves Off Garden Talks, March 25th, Learn more
Join or Die Documentary Screening, March 27th, Learn more
Concordia Church Lakeshore Brass Concert, March 28th, Learn more
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Upcoming Weeks
Free Induction Cooking Class, March 31st, Learn more
Andersonville InSidewalk Sale, March 28th-30th, Learn more
Pollinator Seed Giveaway, March 29th, Learn more
Youth Council Meeting with ACLU, April 1st, 4234 N Lincoln Ave
Should Chicago Have its Own Constitution? Charter Chat, April 3rd, Learn more
Malt Row Presents: Cubs Opening Day Party with Waco Brothers, April 4th, Learn more
Ravenswood Clean Up, April 5th, Learn more
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Community Job Boards
Looking to work locally? Many of our local chambers of commerce offer job boards to help highlight openings at local businesses. Find more information at the following links:
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47th Ward Ald. Matt Martin
4243 N Lincoln Ave | 773-868-4747
Open 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday-Friday
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